Explaining to others how COPD affects your day-to-day life can be difficult. These videos have been created to help people understand the challenges you may face.
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Whether you think you may have COPD, have been diagnosed with COPD or are caring for a loved one with the condition, COPD & me has information that will be relevant to you.
Learn about COPD, how you can stay as healthy as possible and how to plan for the future.
There is a range of treatments available and it’s important you understand when, and how, to use each of them.
COPD impacts physical health beyond the lungs. Learning to strengthen certain muscles and staying active can really help.
Alongside the physical impact of COPD, it can also affect your mental health. It is important that you acknowledge any emotions and seek help if necessary.
Please seek advice from your medical team before starting any new exercise routine
Explaining to others how COPD affects your day-to-day life can be difficult. These videos have been created to help people understand the challenges you may face.
During an appointment, remembering everything that you’ve been told, and all the questions you want to ask can be a challenge. Often, as soon as you leave, everything comes back to you and you wonder why you couldn’t remember it all at the time!
To help you get the most out of your appointments, we’ve developed an easy tool to keep track of all the things you want to discuss. As you explore the website, you will find links from each topic that you can simply click to add to your discussion list. Alternatively, if there is something you think of at another time, simply go to the link at the top of the website and use the drop down to select the topic you want to discuss.